Viisi Mortgages first organisation to use artwork as employment contract
The artwork was created and signed by Joost Swarte
Anyone who is newly recruited to Viisi Hypotheken will be placing their signature on a work of art as of now. This makes the mortgage advice chain unique within the Netherlands. The artwork was created by the famous Dutch illustrator and graphic designer Joost Swarte, known for his ‘ligne claire’ technique.

The illustration was created especially for Viisi and signed by Swarte. Each copy is numbered and framed, and can be mounted on the wall. This is in line with Viisi’s conviction that entering into an employment contract is a celebratory event. Marc-Peter Pijper of Viisi: “An employment contract should be a special item that represents a new or first challenge, not just something you stuff away in a draw.”
Welcome letter
On Thursday 14 July, the first three Viisionairs signed a welcome letter, featuring a number of personal details that must be included by law: the commencement date and duration of the employment contract, part-time or full-time classification, remuneration, ‘leading role’ and activities. Pijper: “We also turn the signing into a kind of party, because we believe that you shouldn’t let such a wonderful milestone go unnoticed.”
Both the artwork and the welcome letter refer to a public page on the Viisi website through a QR code, on which there are a number of agreements with which the employee agrees. “Although we wanted to delete as many unnecessary legal texts as possible, we do think it is important to record, for example, that all colleagues actively contribute to a workplace where they treat each other respectfully,” explains Pijper. “We welcome everyone, regardless of any insecurities, sexual orientation, origin, religion, customs, gender and encourage unique talents. ”
Ligne claire
It’s no coincidence that Swarte was asked to create the illustration. Using his ‘ligne claire’ (clear, strong line) style, which Hergé utilised for Tintin, the artist represents clarity and simplicity. Pijper: “Viisi believes that an employment contract should be crystal clear. Swarte’s style, which is technically perfect, symbolizes the way we like to work.”