Jeroen has been fascinated by numbers from an early age, and accuracy and humour are important aspects to him. Due to his previous work experience at various financial institutions, Jeroen is also a valuable source of knowledge for his colleagues.

In his spare time, Jeroen is a real family man, and likes to spend any available leisure time with his wife Marlies, son Djairo and daughter Chemayra. In addition, he coaches his son’s indoor football team, and often gets out his running shoes in the evenings to run for a bit at the end of a busy working day.

Jeroen’s roles

Viisi is the first financial organisation in the world to implement Holacracy, and one of the few organisations that has opened up its entire organisational structure to anyone interested in it.

Below are some of Jeroen’s roles:

  • Award Master
  • Crosslink Viisi Academy
  • Email rights inverter
  • Inwerkcoach nieuwe Viisionairs
  • Vakinhoudelijk interviewer

View all roles

Jeroen Luitjes - Viisi mortgage advice

Jeroen Luitjes

E-mail: [email protected]