During her studies, Esmee completed several internships in accounting positions, gaining a lot of practical experience in various organisations as a result. She really thrives within a dynamic business, and is therefore completely in her element at Viisi. Through Holacracy, she has also started to look more at roles outside her familiar surroundings. As a result, she noticed that she gets a lot of energy from the roles she fulfils within People First.

Esmee enjoys hanging out with friends in her spare time, and likes going on holidays, especially to New York.

Esmee aan het werk

Esmee’s roles

Viisi is the first financial organisation in the world to implement Holacracy, and one of the few organisations that has opened up its entire organisational structure to anyone interested in it.

Below are some of Esmee’s roles:

  • Coach
  • Feestdagenplanner
  • Hiring process optimizer
  • Secretary
  • Werkenbij website

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Esmee Zijp - Viisi

Esmee Zijp

E-mail: [email protected]