Anne is originally from Barneveld. She moved to Amsterdam to study, where she has been living for about 6 years now, together with one of her best friends, which is a cosy set-up, because that way there’s usually a house full of friends.

She studied Governance and Organization Science at the VU University of Amsterdam, followed by a Master’s degree in Leadership & Change Management.

After her studies, she started working as a mortgage underwriter at Nationale Nederlanden. So, she already knew a lot about mortgages, but at the job she was at before, she missed the contact with the customers.

She came to hear about Viisi through our colleague Niels. They already knew each other from their student association and through friends. Niels pointed out the vacancy for a consultant at Viisi. Through her work at Nationale Nederlanden, she also had to check whether Viisi operated accurately, and fortunately, she gave them her complete approval. So that’s how Ane started working at Viisi as a mortgage advisor!

Outside working hours, she exercises a lot, plays tennis, cycles, and regularly takes lessons at the gym. Fortunately, she can now continue those even during the lockdown, outside. And have you got any tips for good series by the way? If so, she’d love to hear them!

Fun fact: Anne already knew her colleagues Heleen and Harry slightly from Barneveld, and met them again by chance at Viisi!

Anne van Ginkel - Mortgage advisor at Viisi Expats

Anne’s roles

Viisi is the first financial organisation in the world to implement Holacracy, and one of the few organisations that has opened up its entire organisational structure to anyone interested in it.

Below are some of Anne’s roles:

  • Adviseur Schadeverzekeringen
  • Adviseur Starters
  • Expat Advisor
  • Rep Link
  • Secretary

View all roles

Anne van Ginkel

Anne van Ginkel

Telefoon: 020 280 7375
E-mail: [email protected]