At Viisi, we strive to gather as many honest reviews as possible on various different platforms. For this reason, it’s not easy to find the overall score and total number of reviews. We’ve been keeping track of this information for years and want to show you on this page where all our reviews can be found and how we collect them.

Reviews Viisi

Currently, we have over 4,000 reviews with an average rating of 9.9. This is a combination of reviews on Google, Trustpilot, The Feedback Company, Advieskeuze, Independer, Yelp, and Facebook. It’s important to note that different review platforms request evaluations in different ways. Some platforms ask for a number of stars, with a maximum of 5 stars. Others request a score on a scale of 1 to 10. In the overall rating, the stars are doubled to be plotted on a scale of 10 (2 stars become a 4, 4 stars become an 8, etc.). Below, we’ll provide more details for each platform.

All collected reviews are a combination of requested and non-requested reviews. We strive to encourage all our customers to provide an honest review through at least one of the mentioned platforms because:

  • it’s a way for us to receive feedback;
  • it’s a good way for potential customers of our services to read about the experiences of other clients;
  • it’s beneficial for our online visibility.

On some platforms, we receive reviews per advice location because we have profiles for each advice location. We will indicate this by platform below and provide links to all available reviews (per location).


On Google, you can leave reviews with a maximum of 5 stars. We request reviews on Google Maps for our various locations. Below are the links to the collected reviews per location (in alphabetical order). On Google, we receive both Dutch and English reviews.


We actively asked our clients to write reviews on Trustpilot from July 2019 to June 2023. We did this for and On Trustpilot, you can leave reviews with a maximum of 5 stars. We replaced Trustpilot with The Feedback Company in 2023.

The Feedback Company

Since October 2023, we’ve started requesting verified reviews via The Feedback Company by invitation for and On The Feedback Company, you can provide ratings on a scale of 1 to 10, represented in stars (a 9 is 4.5 stars).


We’ve been requesting reviews on Advieskeuze since 2017. We receive reviews in both Dutch and English, and per location. On Advieskeuze, you can provide ratings with a maximum of 5 stars. Below is a list of locations for which we receive reviews on Advieskeuze, in alphabetical order.


Independer used to be the go-to platform for comparing mortgage advisors. Nowadays, they only offer their own mortgage advice and no longer compare independent advisors. They had an extensive review module that our customers frequently used from 2016 to 2021. There was an option to provide a concise or comprehensive review. In total, we received 283 reviews with an average score of 9.4.


On Yelp, we mainly receive English reviews. On Yelp, you can provide ratings with a maximum of 5 stars. We’ve received reviews for the locations listed below.


We do not actively request reviews on Facebook, but we occasionally receive reviews. Facebook uses stars for ratings.
